Welcome to Star Quest Community

Take the next step on your spiritual journey with a supportive and compassionate community.


"It is time for each of you to step to the fore, take a stand, and  be heard.  Begin where you are, at your highest level of understanding, seeing through eyes filtered by love, feeling with a heart filled with compassion and functioning with a mind that is not clouded by guilt, fear or judgment.  That is the way you will find your truth, beloved ones.  That is the way that your world and reality will be filled to overflowing with love, joy and abundance.  That is the way of the master, the way of truth, the way back home. "

-Archangel Michael, channeled by Ronna Vezane

At Star Quest, we invite you to join a vibrant spiritual community where seekers, self-masters, and spiritual leaders unite to share wisdom, insights, and experiences. Whether you're taking your first step or have traversed many paths on your spiritual journey, we recognize that self-mastery can often feel lonely. Here, we offer a sacred space—a sojourner’s well—designed for deep self-reflection and illumined thought.

Our mission is to cultivate a rich spiritual ecosystem where members can connect, grow, and deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them. By tapping into our collective wisdom, Archangel Michael's messages channeled by Ronna Vezane, and holding space for one another, we aim to support each individual’s ascension journey while contributing to the upliftment of humanity.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey, embracing the light within ourselves and each other. Welcome to a place of growth, connection, and boundless possibilities!

Free Access to Star Quest Community includes access to the free courses and discussion groups:

Free Courses and Discussion

  • 21 Day Meditation Challenge

  • Manifestation Mastery: Creating Your Prosperity Box for Abundance

Subscription Access to Star Quest Community includes all free and paid courses and discussion groups current and future:

Paid Courses and Discussion Groups included in subscription:

  • ArchAngel Michael's Wisdom Following the Sacred Heart - $74.99

  • Tapping into your Power Center: Power Chakra Tool Set - $109.99

  • Accelerated Path to Ascension 101 - $179.99

  • Future Courses